I love Saturdays. Saturdays have so much potential because of garage sales.
Tip # 1: Look in the paper or online at your paper and figure out what garage sales are worth your gas. Then go online to http://yardsaletreasuremap.com/ and you can put in all the garage sales you want to go to and hit "Optimize Route" and it gives you the best way to hit all of your garage sales and save gas! (Make sure you don't completely trust the garage sales listed on this site for near you - they may not exist. I'd trust the paper, etc. more)
At one garage sale I found one cool item. Does anyone know my current two favorite things? Come on, guess. 1. Obviously, vintage items. So frekin' cool and if you know me 2. OWLS!
Well how about two in one!?!?! I found a vintage avon, owl, perfume container! So cool!
For me, the best sales are estate sales...estate sales that are best for me are unfortunately when elders die as they often have more of an interest for vintage items. Today I found the perfect estate sale where a daughter was selling her mother's things. I brought a kodak projector and a Sears 8mm editor and asked her how much they were. I could tell she had no clue what to offer because she said "What do you think is a good price?" I said "Well, $3-$4 each?" And so I got both amazing items for $6!
Below it is evident Abigail likes vintage items too!!! :)
Tip #2: If you aren't sure what the vintage item is exactly but are interested, search the crowd for the best person to ask. I was at the garage sale and was curious as to what the 8mm editor was (as I didn't see what written anywhere) and I held up the picture to an old man in the home and he said "Oh, that is a 8mm editor! You hold up the film to the screen there and you can edit the film, etc." And thus I immediately wanted this unique item that was still in its ORIGINAL BOX!!! ((This was the item pictured above))
i like your little owl perfume bottle, my mom used to have one of those when i was growing up. i think its avon.
Thanks Lauren. Yep, it is avon. I found it at a garage sale and love it. I love owls and love avon! Avon has so many cute bottles/items!